光貿易:General Photonics Programmable Optical Delay Generator


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General Photonics社

光貿易 General Photonics

General Photonics社は次世代光ネットワークの成長を促進させる光サブシステムやコンポーネントを開発・製造しています。General Photonics社は複雑な問題に対してシンプルなソリューションをご提案することを信条としており、ダイナミック偏波コントロール、スペクトルコントロール、タイミングおよびパワーコントロールを含むダイナミックシグナルコントロールの分野でのリーディングカンパニーとなるべく、各種製品をご提供しています。

光貿易:General Photonics Programmable Optical Delay Generator  
メーカー General Photonics【ジェネラル フォトニクス】
製品名 :Programmable Optical Delay Generator
カテゴリー :偏波関連
光貿易:General Photonics Multifunction Polarization Control Platform 偏波コントロール


製品概要/Product Overview
Generating programmable time delay from nanoseconds to milliseconds is important for various applications ranging from wireless communications to radar, optical communications, and measurement systems. General Photonics’ TimeRITE? programmable optical delay generator is the first such product on the market. With a total delay range up to 0.25 ms (75 km) and a delay resolution up to 12 bits, this easy-to-use instrument features low insertion loss (~0.5 dB per bit), low delay dependent loss (DDL<0.2 dB), low polarization dependent loss, and fast delay changing speed (<0.5 ms). When operating in manual mode, different delay values can be selected and stepped up and down with a dialing knob. When in auto mode, the instrument scans through a set of delays with user-defined range, starting and stopping values, step size, and time interval between delay changes. The instrument also features a double-pass mode to double the total delay range by passing the light through the optical path twice. A polarization maintaining option is also available for the double-pass input and output ports. By connecting a fiber optic RF or digital transmitter at the input and a fiber optic RF or digital receiver at the output, programmable delay for RF or digital signals can be readily obtained. At General Photonics, we manage delay to make your timing right.
光貿易:General Photonics Programmable Optical Delay Generator

特徴/Key Features
High resolution
Large Delay Range
Low Insertion Loss
Fast Delay Switching Speed
Low Delay Dependent Loss


Radar range calibration
Wireless communication
Cell site characterization & calibration
RF link emulation
Phase noise measurement
Laser linewidth measurement
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