光貿易:General Photonics High Speed Polarization State Generator (instrument)


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General Photonics社

光貿易 General Photonics

General Photonics社は次世代光ネットワークの成長を促進させる光サブシステムやコンポーネントを開発・製造しています。General Photonics社は複雑な問題に対してシンプルなソリューションをご提案することを信条としており、ダイナミック偏波コントロール、スペクトルコントロール、タイミングおよびパワーコントロールを含むダイナミックシグナルコントロールの分野でのリーディングカンパニーとなるべく、各種製品をご提供しています。

光貿易:General Photonics High Speed Polarization State Generator (instrument)  
メーカー General Photonics【ジェネラル フォトニクス】
製品名 :Balanced Photodetector
カテゴリー :偏波関連
光貿易:General Photonics Multifunction Polarization Control Platform 偏波コントロール


製品概要/Product Overview
OCT and sensor systems require high performance balanced photodetectors to boost system signal to noise ratio. The BPD-001 is specially designed for OEM applications in such fields, engineered for low cost and small size as well as high performance. The device consists of an optical head and a post-amplification board with an optional SMB RF output. The optical head has two input fibers aligned with a pair of balanced photodetectors, followed by an integrated ultra low noise transimpedance amplifier (TIA) placed immediately after the photodetectors to amplify received signals with low noise and enhanced CMRR. The post-amplification board further conditions and amplifies the signal to a range of ±3.5 V maximum. With a bandwidth of up to 350 MHz and a total conversion gain of up to 400kV/A (at a bandwidth of 80 MHz), the BPD-001 is ideal for integration into OCT, fiber sensor and high performance optical measurement systems.
光貿易:General Photonics High Speed Polarization State Generator (instrument)

特徴/Key Features
Ultra low noise
Excellent CMRR
High conversion gain
Wide bandwidth Compact


Optical Coherence Tomography
Fiber sensing interrogator
Instrumentation R&D
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