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FAX番号 :03-3832-3118


マイクラム社はハイパフォーマンスのASICソリューションを提供するファブレスメーカーです。主に、 Si, SiGe, III-V (InP, GaAs) bipolar、ハイパフォーマンスCMOSのpower-saving high-speed、high-accuracy、and high-functionalityアプリケーション向けの製品を提供します。  

光貿易: MICRAM: 30Gbps 4:1 Multiplexer with FPGA Interface MX4130F  
メーカー MICRAM Microelectronic【マイクラム】
製品名 :30Gbps 4:1 Multiplexer with FPGA Interface MX4130F
カテゴリー マイクロ波関連
光貿易/MICRAM Microelectronic


製品概要/Product Overview
The MX4130F is a 4:1 high-speed broadband multiplexer for data rates up to 30 Gb/s.
Key features are:
- FPGA interface (LVDS/PCML),
- compatible to Virtex4/5 and Stratix-IV,
- on-chip SerDes channel synchronization circuit,
- on-chip Sonet scrambler,
- serial configuration register (LVTTL),
- optional retiming clock.
光貿易: MICRAM: 30Gbps 4:1 Multiplexer with FPGA Interface MX4130F
PDFファイル:328 kb

特徴/Key Features
At the data inputs, the MX4130F consists of four identical input stages, which accept differential signals with +0.6 … +1.5 V common mode and 400 … 1200 mV swing. They incorporate a differential 100 ohm termination to be compatible to the SerDes outputs of common FPGA.

The clock input runs at half of the frequency of the output data rate (so called ’half-rate clocking’: e.g. 15 GHz clock for 30 Gb/s output data rate. For data retiming, either the 15 GHz clock can be internally doubled, or an external 30 GHz clock may be used. The external clock also enables for adding jitter to the output data for testing purpose.

The MX4130F exhibits two fully symmetrical differential 50 Ω CML data output buffers. The first output is the direct multiplexer output, whereas the second output is retimed. Both buffers provide either one differential output signal or two single ended output signals with a single ended swing of 600 mVpp.

Multiple MX4130F can be synchronized to drive I/Q modulators. Thanks to their internal structure, the driving FPGA(s) will be also synchronized.

As a functional add-on, the MX4130F includes a divide-by-64 output, which may be used either to clock the FPGA or to trigger sampling oscilloscopes.


Main fields of application are:
- Multiplexer module for 100G data transmission systems (e.g. I/Q modulation),
- test data generation.
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