光貿易:General Photonics Multifunction Polarization Control Platform 偏波コントロール


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FAX番号 :03-3832-3118

General Photonics社

光貿易 General Photonics

General Photonics社は次世代光ネットワークの成長を促進させる光サブシステムやコンポーネントを開発・製造しています。General Photonics社は複雑な問題に対してシンプルなソリューションをご提案することを信条としており、ダイナミック偏波コントロール、スペクトルコントロール、タイミングおよびパワーコントロールを含むダイナミックシグナルコントロールの分野でのリーディングカンパニーとなるべく、各種製品をご提供しています。

光貿易:General Photonics NoTail 4 Axis Polarization Controller 4軸偏波コントローラー  
メーカー General Photonics【ジェネラル フォトニクス】
製品名 :NoTail 4 Axis Polarization Controller
カテゴリー :偏波関連
光貿易:General Photonics Multifunction Polarization Control Platform 偏波コントロール


製品概要/Product Overview
General Photonics’ all fiber dynamic polarization controller is specially designed for original equipment manufacturers (OEM) for integration into their fiber optic network modules and test equipment. The all fiber construction practically eliminates all insertion loss and back reflection. The device can be used as a fast electronic-driven polarization controller to convert any input polarization into any desired polarization or as a polarization scrambler to randomize the output polarization state. The low insertion loss, low back reflection, low cost, compact size, and fast response time are just few desirable features the device has. The NoTail PolaRITE II has two FC/PC or FC/APC male connectors directly mounted on the package. This attractive feature allows direct connection with PM fibers to eliminate polarization fluctuations. Although the unit comes with FC type connectors, it can interface with ST and SC type connectors with industry standard FC/ST or FC/SC adapters.
光貿易:General Photonics NoTail 4 Axis Polarization Controller 4軸偏波コントローラー

特徴/Key Features
No intrinsic insertion loss
No intrinsic back reflection
Works with any wavelengths
Works with any single mode optical fibers
Compact, ideal for integration in modules
Fast response time


PMD (polarization mode dispersion) compensation
PMD Emulator
PDL (polarization dependent loss) measurement
PDL elimination in optical instruments, such as optical spectrum analyzers
Automatic polarization stabilization for E/O modulator & interferometers
Reduction of EDFA's polarization dependent gain
Improvement of signal-to-noise ratio in long haul transmission systems
Output stabilization in fiber laser systems
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