光貿易:General Photonics Multifunction Polarization Control Platform 偏波コントロール


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FAX番号 :03-3832-3118

General Photonics社

光貿易 General Photonics

General Photonics社は次世代光ネットワークの成長を促進させる光サブシステムやコンポーネントを開発・製造しています。General Photonics社は複雑な問題に対してシンプルなソリューションをご提案することを信条としており、ダイナミック偏波コントロール、スペクトルコントロール、タイミングおよびパワーコントロールを含むダイナミックシグナルコントロールの分野でのリーディングカンパニーとなるべく、各種製品をご提供しています。

光貿易:General Photonics Polarization Measurement System 偏波測定システム  
メーカー General Photonics【ジェネラル フォトニクス】
製品名 :Polarization Measurement System 偏波測定システム
カテゴリー :偏波関連
光貿易:General Photonics Multifunction Polarization Control Platform 偏波コントロール


製品概要/Product Overview
PolaWise? is an advanced polarization measurement system for accurate characterization of all polarization related properties of light sources and optical materials. Based on General Photonics’ patented magneto-optic polarization generation and analysis technology, the PSGA-101-A is specially designed for fiber optic applications and can effortlessly accomplish multiple functions, including polarization state generation (PSG), polarization state analysis (PSA), polarization extinction ratio (PER) measurement, polarization dependent loss (PDL) measurement, and polarization mode dispersion (PMD) measurement. Another attractive feature of the instrument is its large flip-top LCD graphic display design, an industry first that allows large viewing area on a compact, portable enclosure. Furthermore, a 2x20 character LCD is also included on the front panel for easy operation of the instrument for applications that do not require a graphic display, such as PER measurement. The instrument comes with an internal tunable laser for PDL and PMD measurement up to 10 ps. It can also control tunable lasers from third parties via a GPIB port for measurement of larger PMD values. The instrument also comes with a VGA port for use with an external LCD graphic display of the user’s choice. PolaWise?: a wise instrument and a smart choice!
光貿易:General Photonics Polarization Measurement System 偏波測定システム

特徴/Key Features
Multiple operation modes
Flip-top graphic display
Front-panel LCD text display
External LCD monitor enabled
USB removable storage media
Compact and portable


PMD measurement
PDL measurement
Polarization state generation (PSG)
Polarization Extinction Ratio (PER) measurement
SOP measurement
Source DOP measurement
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